About Mennonites
The Anabaptist movement began when believers wanted to follow the example of Jesus, rather than decrees of the state-sponsored church. The movement grew rapidly, although thousands suffered persecution and death at the hands of oppressive political powers. Those who followed the radical teachings of Menno Simons were called Mennonites. We also share many of the same traditions as our brothers and sisters in the Brethern and Friends (Quakers) communities.
our church
We emphasize following Christ in daily life, serving those in need, and working for justice and peace. We are a small group and so we are able to focus on caring for one another, sharing joys and concerns, and holding each other in prayer. We think it is important to not only worship together, but to also have time for fellowship, so we enjoy snacks or meals together every Sunday. Our congregation has members of all ages, including young families with kids. We welcome persons of all faiths and backgrounds!